Warm Welcomes in Bilogai: TNI’s Social Communication Strengthens Bonds in Papua

    Warm Welcomes in Bilogai: TNI’s Social Communication Strengthens Bonds in Papua

    INTAN JAYA - The Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif) Raider 509/Balawara Yudha Kostrad, operating under the TNI HABEMA Command, continues to fulfill its mission to secure and support development in the RI-PNG Border area. On Friday, December 13, 2024, Satgas Yonif 509, led by First Lieutenant Inf Muh. Fardhana, conducted Social Communication (Komsos) activities with the residents of Bilogai Village, Sugapa District, Central Papua, during a routine security patrol.

    This initiative reflects the TNI’s commitment to fostering closer ties with local communities while ensuring regional stability. According to Lieutenant Colonel Inf Dian Dessiawan Setyadi, Commander of Satgas Yonif 509 Kostrad, attention to the welfare of local residents is a top priority. “Our mission is not just about maintaining security but also about creating meaningful connections with the people. Every interaction is an opportunity to show care and support for their well-being, ” he stated.

    The Social Communication session, conducted in conjunction with security patrols, became a moment of warmth and mutual respect. TNI soldiers took time to listen to the residents’ concerns and shared updates on safety and progress in the area. Residents of Bilogai responded enthusiastically, expressing their gratitude for the soldiers’ presence and efforts.

    Mama Yohana, a respected local figure, shared her heartfelt appreciation, “The presence of TNI soldiers here has brought us peace and comfort. We feel cared for and protected. This kind of kindness is something we deeply value.”

    Brigadier General TNI Lucky Avianto, Commander of HABEMA, praised the initiative as a vital part of TNI’s inclusive approach to Social Communication. “This activity underscores the TNI’s role in engaging with communities as partners in development and peacebuilding. It’s about creating trust and solidarity that will drive Papua toward a brighter future, ” he remarked.

    The security in Bilogai Village has reportedly been stable, thanks to ongoing efforts by the TNI and cooperation from the local community. With these initiatives, TNI hopes to ensure not only safety but also a sense of unity and shared purpose among the residents of Papua.

    Authenticated by:
    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Colonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    intan jaya papua
    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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