TNI Habema’s Social Communication: Inspiring and Motivating the Future of Papuan Children

    TNI Habema’s Social Communication: Inspiring and Motivating the Future of Papuan Children

    NDUGA - As part of its commitment to fostering peace and development in Papua, the Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif) 503/Mayangkara, under HABEMA Operations Command, continues to strengthen ties with the local community. In its latest initiative, the RI-PNG Mobile Border Security Task Force conducted social communication activities and distributed sweets while providing motivational messages to school children in Kenyam District, Nduga Regency, Papua, on Thursday (6/2/2025).

    The Yonif 503/Mayangkara Task Force has made social engagement an integral part of its patrol activities, aiming to create a sense of security and comfort among the local population. These patrols are not just about security but also about strengthening relationships with the people of Kenyam.

    Second Lieutenant Inf Irfan Prasetya, leading 23 Kesatria Mayangkara personnel, emphasized that establishing a peaceful atmosphere is the primary goal of their routine patrols around the Kenyam complex. By interacting directly with the community, they reassure them that their daily activities can continue without fear.

    “The routine patrols conducted by Kesatria Mayangkara in Kenyam District are part of our ongoing mission to maintain good relations with all members of society, ” said Second Lieutenant Irfan Prasetya.

    Beyond fostering security, Kesatria Mayangkara also engages with local children, taking the time to chat with them, distribute sweets, and encourage them to pursue education with enthusiasm. These small yet meaningful interactions aim to instill hope and motivation in the hearts of Papua’s younger generation.

    “The initiative of the Yonif 503/Mayangkara Task Force to conduct social communication and provide motivational support to school children is a reflection of TNI’s dedication to the welfare of the Papuan community. This effort aligns with our mission to accelerate development in Papua by ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and grow, ” stated HABEMA Commander, Major General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the activity report.

    Through initiatives like these, TNI Habema continues to serve as a pillar of support for the people of Papua, not only ensuring their safety but also actively contributing to their future.

    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Colonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    nduga papua
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